Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stasis in the Storm

The big mammal breached the plane
Barnacle-lacquered, streamlined skin
With a tree trunk for a rear-end
Bucket mouth and protruding oars
Undulating and gliding forward
Under, over the waterline, 
Ejecting its ether into the sky

Practically a pollutant, totally irregular
Big fish in the water but out of water
Skyline and concrete surrounding
Decrepit hangars, ships and pilings
Asphalt, traffic, smog-ridden skies
Gawking onlookers with artificial eyes

Little ones running around oblivious
Parents trying to herd their focus
Uniforms punching out for the day
As the big fish swirls and twirls at play

A pair on the concrete sidelines
Stadium seating to the rising tide
Hands sharing space, arms act as belts
Bare teeth, hooked mouths, hair twirls
Merely weeks ago exchanging names
Leviathan feelings shared and the same

Short and intense, effluvient heat
Molecules begin to vibrate and seep
Inertia and static friction of titan objects
Requiring unreal forces to move from rest
Thermodynamics are just suggestions
Universal laws called into question
Hurling arrows into beating myocardium
Two still bodies in a chaotic medium

She is an atmosphere plunging 
Filling and flooding into his lungs
Like the water passing through gills
Calm, glassy water, time standing still
Adjusting to a new air and ambience
Forced, rapid comfortable adaptation


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